Monday, March 24, 2008

Quiz results

Just to put the quiz in perspective, here is Scott McKnight's summary of the scores:
If you score 52 or less, you tend toward a conservative interpretation of scripture. "The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it." summarizes the general conservative approach.

If you score between 53 and 65, he considers you to have a moderate view of scripture. Note this is his narrowest category with only a 12 point range. And as he points out, often conservatives will have a liberal view on one issue and a conservative view on something else resulting in a moderate score. In general moderates have a flexible understanding of the Bible. Interestingly, Scott McKnight scored a 62.

If you score between 66 or higher, you tend toward a progressive view of scripture. Progressives view the Bible as culturally-conditioned and historically shaped but they still believe that it is God's word for today. I scored as a progressive at 69, which means I probably have more in common with a conservative who scores 52 than a progressive who scores 85.

Just for fun, here are some scores that have been shared with Christianity Today:

Dan Kimball (pastor Vintage Faith Church, author of They Like Jesus But Not The Church) 62
John Ortberg (pastor Menlo Park Presbyterian and author) 68

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