The Barna Group has a new study out that delves into the attitudes of "outsiders" (those who not define themselves as Christians) and Christians between the ages of 16-29. None of the results were too surprising to me and they echo the themes in "They Like Jesus but Not the Church" (and I will post the article I wrote for my personal blog later), but one of the most surprising things they discovered was that even Christian youth and young adults agree with the "outsiders" that the biggest problem with Christians is that we act un-Christian!
I hope you will take a few moments to read through the article and then help us think through what it means as a Christian church to reach out to people who do not trust us even when they are open to our message.
1 comment:
Interesting article. Without processing too much, three observations come to mind. This demographic wants
1. Community
2. Ownership - they want to know that they have the opportunity to shape whatever they are involved in (they don't want the system or the man telling them how things are going or have to be).
3. Align themselves to a cause that is bigger than themselves.
I have read in other articles where this generation is also the most socially conscious generation. They volunteer their time at a significantly igher rate than previous generations (I wish I had the reference).
I wonder if we have enough opportunity to allow others ownership of the CNC service. DOn't get me wrong, I love the direction it is going - Jeff is doing an outstanding job. I think we need more creative worship. More vidoes like the one in today's service. That was awesome.
How about creating the X-prize for worship videos (similar to the X-prize NASA awarded for the first commercial company to get a vehicle in orbit). Challenge specific groups in the congregation to come up with their own music/video/music-video/drama, what ever. It doesn't have to come out of the Drama Team. I think we need to find a way to break the service wide open and allow for more lay leading parts, more crative outlets...
I'm interested to know what others think
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