We have the A-bomb, the F-bomb, and whether we like it or not, we now have the “C-bomb.” The term “C-bomb” refers to Christians, Christianity and the Church. This is not my opinion. It is an empirically verifiable fact, as evidenced by the research conducted over the past several years by the Barna Group. . . .The reality is the C-bomb is not being stored in some underground bunker. The C-bomb has detonated in our midst! What shall we do? Walk around in stunned silence? Continue to deny that we are the walking wounded as others avoid us? Are we going to pick up the pieces and rebuild a remnant of the memory of more of the same? something that doesn’t produce the results that bring glory to our Lord and Savior by focusing on more of the same or will be become capable of coming together in a new revolution of hope:
“A revolution of hope is not just a matter of reading a book or hearing an inspiring sermon. True, a book or sermon or personal encounter may be a vehicle through which hope wins our hearts. But a revolution of hope makes radical demands of us. It requires us to learn new skills and habits and capacities: the skills of a new way of thinking, the capacities of a new way of living….it is a new way of life that changes everything.” – Brian McLaren, Everything Must Change – Jesus, Global Crises and a Revolution of Hope. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN Copyright © 2007 by Brian D. McLaren. P. 283.
As we prepare for this new service, what changes do we need to make in our lives, in how we "do" both church and worship to defuse the C-Bomb in our midst?
Furthermore, is the C-Bomb as much of a threat in the Bible Belt of the U.S. as other areas? Do we still have some authority with folks?
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