Thursday, March 20, 2008

How do you interpret the BIble?

Well, it has been a busy month! And I apologize that I've been negligant in updating both of my blogs. But here is something to get us thinking.

In the last issue of Leadership Magazine, Scott McKnight offered up a simple "Hermeneutics Quiz" that categorizes people's approaches to the Bible as Conservative, Moderate, and Progressive. For those of you who are wondering what "hermeneutics" means, it simply is a fancy word for how you interpret the Bible.

Granted, I'm not much on labels (as my friend, Trav, will tell you) but I found it interesting to compare my score with others whose books I've been reading lately.

Personally, I scored on the low end of progressive, a mere 1 point more progressive than John Ortberg. So, check it out and let me know how you score.


Craig Clontz said...

Here is my score: 73
Evaluation: You scored between 66 and 100, meaning you're a progressive on The Hermeneutics Scale.

Anonymous said...

I got a 74. Does that mean you'll now call me Hare A. Tick?!

Anonymous said...

O.K. I got a 64 after looking up some definitions of confluence, etc. So I guess I like to struggle with the text ... still struggling after all these years - isn't there some music to go with this ????!!???

Pastor Sherill said...

Marty, I hope we all continue to struggle with the text. It is a living word after all!

And--who wants to write the song?

Chrissi said...

I scored 64 as well. Agreed.... we should all continue to struggle. I know I do :-)

Unknown said...

I scored a 62 - guess I'm in good company with that score. I didn't look up the words like Marty did, though! I don't know how it can't be a living word when I 'understand' text the first time I read it, and then months/years later, read it again and wonder what I could have been thinking when I thought I understood it before!

As Dory (from Finding Nemo) would probably say ... "just keep reading, just keep reading, just keep reading, reading, reading ..."

Pastor Sherill said...

I LOVE the Dory quote. That will preach.

I also love the quote from Slingblade . . .
"Took me four years to read the Bible. I reckon I understand a great deal of it. Wasn't what I expected in some places."