Thursday, February 28, 2008

NPC--Day 3

The preaching continues to get better and better. Not to take anything away from Dr. McNeal last night, but John Ortberg was wonderful this morning. I only say it was better because it was aimed toward those of us at the conference—What do we need to be able to (not just survive but) thrive in ministry? I suspect we all needed to hear what he had to say.

I was also interested in watching him preach. As some of you know, I’ve been struggling with whether or not I think preaching without notes is a good idea. And here was the most effective preacher (so far) and sure enough—he had his notes.

I went to the seminar on experiential worship this morning. I was really impressed with what he shared and am coming home with lots of ideas. What I’m struggling with right now is that tomorrow morning he will continue with practical “how to’s” and I was planning on hearing Jim Wallis. This is going to be a hard choice!!!

Tonight and tomorrow morning, we will hear from Bishop NT Wright. I’m really excited to hear what he has to say.

Well, back to downloading MP3 files of seminars that I want to hear again and those I didn’t get to attend.

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