Friday, February 15, 2008

Reading Recap

Here are some of the articles that caught my attention over the last few weeks:
A pastor in California shares his perspective on the Gospel and illegal immigration.

My favorite preaching professor shares her unique and insightful perspective on lectionary readings and current events at Bleeding Heart Liberal.

Rick Warren meets Stephen Colbert -- need I say more. Check out Rick Warren's definition of fundamentalists. But my favorite line related to Colbert being created in God's image.

Over at the Ooze, Aaron Plum "breaks it off" with the American Dream and Darin Hufford reflects on the Bible and the irony of Bible Believing Churches.

At Theolog, Sarah Howell reflects on the role of doubt in our faith.

With the primaries in full swing, lots of folks are reflecting on how politicians use the God Strategy , the role of millenials in this election cycle, and undecided Christian voters.

Finally, at, you will find interesting reflections on "cafeteria" religion , worship, and Palestinian Christians.

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