Saturday, September 29, 2007

Worship Evangelism—Time to Get Real

“Perhaps the most common complaint was that worship services were boring. It was not just that these gatherings were not interesting; they were not worshipful. They did little to help people meet God. However, I did not hear this as a call for more entertainment, but for more participation.”
William Hendricks, Exit Interviews: Revealing Stories of Why People Are Leaving the Church

“I don’t think numbers and numerical growth are most important. What I see the Scriptures telling us is that a successful church is where people’s lives are being transformed and becoming more Christ-like. You’ll never get a quality ministry by focusing on quantity first. Quality must precede quantity.”
George Barna

One of the questions addressed in the first chapter is “What is “real” worship?” One of the problems with worship throughout the years and especially in the last few decades of our entertainment driven culture is a lack of knowledge on the true purpose of worship.

Now I opened this blog (and have even subtitled it) by stating that we are reaching out to a particular group, but before we can determine how to shape worship for this group we have to determine what it is we are shaping. Now I have some ideas, but I’d love to hear yours first. How would you define “real” worship?

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